On becoming a Rock Hound

Day 3, 2nd lab -I have nodded my head throughout class (staying awake, staying alive) in rhythm to the nonsensical patter of those around me. I have intentionally held several rocks. In my hands. I've looked at them through a magnifying loop in the same way that old-school jewelers would peer at precious gems to "oooh" and "aaah" over them.. I have had classmates tell me that the rock I'm holding is potassium feldspar. But of course it is. It is greek to me. Until...

Obsidian. I find obsidian. I identify, correctly, obsidian. I am becoming a rock hound. Then dr. brimley tells me that obsidian is not a rock, but rather volcanic glass. I ignore him, & embrace my excellence. 18 more classes. Help me, Jesus.

6 launchings into the blogosphere....:

georgia said...

God is the original geologist. He enjoys your class. He identfies the rocks in a thousand hills. Embrace the mica. Go for the gold. Return the ruby slippers. Lift up your head, oh ye agates. If you drop this class you will be over a beryl. The last book of the Old Testament is Malachite, etc.

georgia said...


Remember, God was not pleased with Ananias and Sapphire.

Dennis Clifton said...

...georgia, you rock...

scoeyd said...

Rock on.

Dennis Clifton said...

...to not love Obthidian is incontheivable...

No(dot dot)el said...

yer crackin me up :)