day 1

we are off to a good day, having spent it with Johannes, eating breakfast with our host Sandra, & of course great bread & rolls. Its absolutely beautiful outside, a little chilly for the Bean's taste, but hey, what isn't...

I hope to touch base soon. now we're off to market. Hooray! Shopping!

7 launchings into the blogosphere....:

frad-ster said...

enjoy the Euro markets...i remember the ones in England, France, Italy, Switzerland, and Scotland being mucho better than American stores...are German ones the same?

TimmyMac said...

To market, to market to buy a fat hog . . .
Home again, home again, jiggety-jog . . .

chumley said...

hey man, praying for you... strength for shopping.... dont need to pray for Joni, she already has strength for shopping :).

see the news on the Haggard thing? been praying for mad Jew Josh, pretty dicey.

georgia said...

Where were you when the lights went out?

No(dot dot)el said...

and again, miss you both already.

shontell said...

Moses did great on Sunday, not that you were nervous..but you might have been nervous. Just Joking. :) Praying for you both and everyone you meet. Tell them I say HI

scoeyd said...

Hi all ... not much access to internet in Roma, so anything I do post will be on the site for the time being.