Emergent Church Clone Questions...

I found this 6 month old article on a blog of a guy I like to read. In it, he 'enters the conversation' on a trend in emergent churches - when they plant, they franchise (my word, not his...), so that the 'new church' looks, sounds, & smells like the sending church vs. taking on the characteristics of the people that end up coming to the church...


Reminiscent of this one? EVERGREEN

Thoughts? Responses? Does anybody really KNOW what time it is?

2 launchings into the blogosphere....:

georgia said...

I think it's important to find balance between being unwilling to learn from others and getting into the clone loop. But cloning amongst Christians isn't limited to church. Music, appearance, speech, all these things are as much subject to cloning if not more so. Especially when business and marketing get involved.

TimmyMac said...

Good stuff. I enjoyed the Bolger article.

The Evergreen article reminded me of the former Morning Star International, now called EveryNation Ministries, which in the last few years has taken over our very own UFFM.

Interestingly enough, I was perusing UFFM's web site today and found such stimulating topics as, "How to Prosper in Life," "Developing a Leadership Culture," "What Followers Expect From Their Leaders," and my personal favorite, "How to Always be Promoted."


We need to get you one these resumes . . .