Today, it hit me. I normally take Fridays off - it hit me that for the next couple of weeks, my Fridays (& all/most of Saturdays) will be occupied with work...
The processing begins... what about my rest day? what about the Sabbath? What do I do now that I have realized that I've scheduled away my day off? I have a problem taking a mulligan on this one - part of it is because I believe that the Sabbath is not just a good idea or a suggestion, but an obedience to a way of life that God has laid out for us. Not just going back to the September-December series on a Revolution of the Soul but because there is a deeper issue here: how will I put into practice this principle of obedience? It's not negotiable, & yet I find myself struggling internally to find a justification for "just this once." (Though it's twice actually.) Don't know that there is a simple, easy, quick answer to this one.
6 launchings into the blogosphere....:
Can you take a different day to make up for it?
CG- that's what I thought, & am leaning towards... but with a newbie coming on board next week, I'm hesitant to leave him unattended, esp. with sharp objects lying around. Hence the conundrum - all my regular stuff is looming for me to do, plus training for said newbie, then an additional set of thingys Friday/Saturday...
I may turn Wednesday into THE day for next week...
Well, maybe his secretary could keep him under control while you take the day off.
a day to rest seems to be a high commodity these days for me. some how i have managed to book every single night of the week with something and i do mean every night. this is not good and i am having similar thoughts about like, how did this happen? didn't i just learn NOT to do this? arrghhh!!! i think it is time i practice saying no again.
a wise person once told me that it's important to prioritize my priorities... it's okay to say no.
...to quote a friend of ours, "the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath." ...just choose another day, or two days next week, or a week next month...its your thing...do what you wanna do...(i can't tell you, who to sock it to)...
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