For Brint...

It's dedicated to Brint, as I believe that he may be the one to most appreciate it. Howevuh, for those of us that need a little lift: here's to you, sci-fi fans of the multiverse...

4 launchings into the blogosphere....:

David said...

But what song are they playing? I'm pretty sure it's "Surrender" by Cheap Trick.

Also, your use of the word "multiverse" is just plain sad.

georgia said...

Is that quote authored by the artiste of the picture?

Dennis Clifton said... that The Creature from the Black Lagoon on the drums?...

digapigmy said...

i really am thinking "don't stop believing" because it goes on and on and on and on. and don't talk bad about chewy, dennis. and always let him win at holochess.