Found this at a great restaurant in Sparks, near my new crib, on Vista Blvd. just past where Disc Drive intersects Vista- Pinocchio's. (The Bean used to work at the Pinocchio's on Moana. This is at the "new" store. Killer Firecracker Wings. I'm a salivatin' now.) Want directions? Click here
To explain - My friend Tim is a white boy. A nice white boy. And, I am something of a "namer" (a person that gives nicknames to others.) I was speaking some Spanish (spanglish may be a better description) to Tim's daughter, & I was inspired to call Tim, Teeeeeeem, with a really bad Three Amigos meets Cheech Marin accent.
And I like it.
2 launchings into the blogosphere....:
I enjoy Teem as well.
Si, mi amigos es fuunny, eh?
Mucho gracias, Senor Scoey . . .
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