Communion ponderings...

Last night, we hosted our 1st College Group since the move to the new digs. I grilled some tortillas & poured some Casarsa Merlot & some cranberry juice (so people could choose which they wanted to receive,) & we stood around the island in the kitchen.

We talked & prayed:
  • about relationship with God & with each other. Tears were flowing as people expressed themselves - towards each other.
  • about our hopes & dreams for the changes that God is making in us.
  • about what it looks like to say "Yes" to Jesus in new way.

  • Taking time for talking, praying, & personal feedback about communion, the "body & the blood," the bread & the F.O.T.V. (fruit of the vine,) seems to be a very significant part of the "remembering" that Jesus talked about as the center of communion. I'm greatly enjoying exploring this.

    0 launchings into the blogosphere....: