Thanks... CS Lewis, the guy in the picture, smoking his pipe. I love the way he communicates in his writings, without hesitating to move into the difficult areas of life. Pain. Failure. Temptation. Struggle. Hope. Joy.

He has been an inspiration to me ... And every journey through Narnia. The Sci-Fi Trilogy. Mere Christianity. The Problem of Pain. Surprised by Joy... Brings a bit of joy to me.

4 launchings into the blogosphere....:

shontell said...

I also heart him. I just did a speech about his life and why I consider him a creative genius. I was amazed to learn his friendly ties with so many other smarty farties.

digapigmy said...

i enjoy his writings quite a bit. screwtape letters is one of my favorite books of his. i actually haven't read the sci-fi trilogy, but highly recommend the problem of pain speaking of bad things happening.

Destro Jones said...

I have never read the Sci-Fi trilogy either, I'm a bad little nerdling. I'll get right on it.

No(dot dot)el said...

smile :) his puff was so big inthe pic you can't even see his pipe.