It's Thursday again, & I'm titling my posts after the days of the week again...

The longer I live, the more I think that the whole "coloring inside the lines" thing is over-rated. Some of the best pictures I ever did didn't even have clear lines to color inside. Seems like life is a lot like that. Either the lines are in all the wrong places for where I think I'm supposed to color, or there's not any lines to give a reference point.

Oh well... pass the Violet & let's have at it.

I've got a spasm in my back, 1/2 way up on the left, which is turning out to be a big knot most of the time... The good Dr. G worked me over as if there were no ramifications for doing so, & then recommended a massage; esp. in light of the fact that next week is convention... er... Connection & the odds are decent that I'll be sitting in meetings & sessions & other things quite a bit. Any recommendations on a masseuse? I've gone one place & decided not to go back there...

Been listening to Green Day's newest. Interesting. Never been much of a fan, but based upon a recommendation, I thought I'd give it a spin (figuratively...) I've been going back & forth between it & NO LINE, & finding the combo to be very, very thought provoking...

4 launchings into the blogosphere....:

Unknown said...

SOO TRUE.Lately after a long trip and some time to mull over a few questions I've come to more wondering.I think of myself as a pretty tuff individual but I've been questioning how much I really do allow other people's 'Ideas of how things are done' to effect my own processes.I think It's great to bounce ideas off people I can trust,don't get me wrong.You know the whole 'wisdom in a multitude of counselers' and all,but...How often do I allow those opinions to unwittingly be higher then my Fathers opinion.
Whenever I have times of frustration it seems my Father has me read about David again.But I do always come away with something new.There were times when David seamed to only have God on his side(ONLY GOD) But it seamed very lonley at times.
Father, I want to be one who stands firm! One you know will stand alone if that's what it calls for.Lord this family is yours the friends you've given me are yours my church family is yours please let me have your opinion as the highest so I can be all a woman after your heart can be.
I want to color anywhere you say needs color.

laura said...

Hmmm... Dr. G gave me the same advise this week, I'm still looking for someone who will live up to my massage standards, at a reasonable rate. Let me know what you find.
I like Green Day.

Matty C. said...

I like your analogy of coloring inside the lines vs. outside the lines. My thought about what you wrote:

When we color inside the lines, that is already a picture that has been created. It's not original, it's already been done, colored and not our own. Plagiarism.

I think it's okay to borrow ideas from others about how to color but ultimately, we only have one person who's lines we need to stay inside. Actually, He's an individual who exceeded others' lines and who I believe has called us to color outside the lines of the norm anyway.

One reason why people follow you, Lou, is because you're not scared to exceed the lines and take people with you. That's what leaders do.

shontell said...

word. Also, when you are suffering from an ill placed knot and your spouse is not up for ANOTHER night of rubbing you down (in the most professional way), try rolling over a tennis ball. Concentrate on keeping the ball right on the knot. It hurts like I word I cannot say, but from experience, helps. Have a great trip. I wish you were seeing my brother. sigh.