the fun of getting presents in the mail...

I've taken the 5 Love Languages quiz before, & also am a bit self-aware about what communicates love, sweet love, to me - mostly physical touch & words of affirmation.

Still, there is nothing like coming home from a long day at work to find that there are Unopened Packages awaiting ones arrival. Today there were 3 boxes; 2 from Amazon, 1 mysterious unmarked (yet professionally wrapped enough to make me not sweat that Ted Kaczynski is striking again,) box. All with my name on them. Booyah.

I'm a slooooww opener of stuff. Perhaps its to convince myself that the wrapping paper needs to be saved. However, that's not it - in this situation, there wasn't even any wrapping & I still managed to take For-ever to open. I started with the unknown (because, hey, if its from Amazon & comes in a box, its a book. Or DVD's.)

Turns out my buddy Rudy, a wine 'broker' in SF remembered my birthday with some fruit of the vine - a Malbec & a Shiraz from the Barossa Valley. Sweet. Nothing like unexpected signs of blessing showing up on my doorstep. Thanks Rudy.

First box from Amazon - turns out it is a couple of Financial Peace books that theBean had ordered & BOOM had showed up the next day. Nice to have an Amazon hub in Fernley... So she was happy too. Vino & her books.

2nd box from Amazon is the jackpot - FIVE (5) books by C.S. Lewis:
  • The Problem of Pain
  • A Grief Observed
  • Mere Christianity (my other copy got snaked
  • The Great Divorce
  • Miracles

  • All of which means - I will be reading tomorrow. Lucky me. And thank you.

    1 launchings into the blogosphere....:

    journeyofheart said...

    I totally agree that getting "people mail" in the mailbox is special. It has become increasingly so since I have been living overseas now 13 years & the fact that I now get junk mail here. A box with anything...even stuff I can buy here or a card with real handwriting. Is amazing!