8 Mai

We spent the day in today talking on “What is church?” in the context of two small groups, & a large group discussion. The point of all the talking wasn’t to try & come up with one, spot on definition of what church is – but rather to move beyond the idea of church being a set of programs, methods, & meeting locations – one of the ideas that I liked the best was the picture of the church being an embassy in a foreign land – complete with ambassadors…

For lunch we had pizza – which in Frankfurt usually means a very thin crust accompanied by a compilation of all kinds of things that you never thought you’d see on a pizza – like Tuna. Still, I happened to find one pizza topped by Salamiwurst & another with green & red peppers – I folded each piece 3x & then shoveled in mass quantities.

We’re just ready to eat dinner (it’s 6 p.m.) followed by worship & a ‘wrap up’ talk by Geert from Holland.

Thank you for your prayers -

1 launchings into the blogosphere....:

Jen in Budapest said...

i laughed! nothing like eating corn and broccoli on your pizza. who would know so many interesting things could be found on a slice.c